A spout cheerpack is intended to stand up well on the shelf when the product is filled into the package, that is helpful to create a good attractive presentation effect for the products.
However, this is not really always the case when it comes to aluminum foil cheerpacks produced by the china manufacturers, including our factory. Based on our experience of producing, and the knowledge as far as we can reach in this flexible packaging industry, nearly all the cheer packs produced in china always have a rigid bottom that may be not able to provide a good standing effect for the final package, especially for some small volume packages.
In this post, we are going to give a further explaination on this with detailed videos.
Aluminum Foil Laminate Structure
When it comes to the aluminum foil cheerpack, the most used strcture is PET12/Al7/PA15/LDPE, that is able to provide the best barrier property for the products, and also great mechanical strength for the package. It is premium quality, at a relative higher price.

Some customers would like to reduce the cost, by replacing the PA film with PET film, as the price for PET film is only 1/3~1/2 of the price of PA film. The price gap is not apparent when it comes to small package like 50ml~250ml, however some customers really reply on the lower price with PET/AL/PET/LDPE package. Of course, the quality will deterioate accordingly.

Some packages may be required to withstand 121℃ retort treat when it is intended for meat, porks, roast sauce, vegetable mixes, etc, and the foil structure will have to change to PET/AL/PA/RCPP, which is even more rigid, that will be explained below.
On Rigidity
As you can observe from the above structures, the foil laminate are all 4 layers with aluminum foil trapped inside, aluminum foil is metal sheet at 7 microns thickness, with much more rigidity than other plastic materials like PET film and BOPP film. There will be some variance for the rigitidy of the aluminum foils in the market, under different processing conditions, which will be explained in future posts.
When laminated with other substrate films into 4 layer laminate, the final foil is more rigid than before.

Form into Cheer Pack

The foil lamiante will be formed into the cheer pack on the bag-making machine with the side gusset, and you can figure out through the above picture that 4 layers of foil laminate are folded and formed into the quad seal bottom part, that will even make the bottom much more rigid than ever, watch the video below.
Standing effect for different packages
With the rigid bottom, spout cheer pack with volume less than 250ml is very difficult to standup with products filled.

This cheer pack is produced for one of chinese manufacturers of yoghourt, intended for 130g, however the package can only ly on the shelf, and you will never expect it to stand up. The good point is, for this small package intended for kids market, in most cases, it doesn’t need to stand up on the goods shelf, they are always piled up in the sale place.
One simple way to make the cheer pack well stand is to increase the volume, so the weight of products will squeeze the bottom, and make it more flat to stand better. Upon our experience, cheer packs with volume more than 350ml is much easier to stand, and you can watch the video for our cheer pack intended for 350ml mineral water.
Improvement on rigidy
As far as we can know, the cheer pack produced by china manufacturers are more rigid than the manufacturers of Japan, Italy, and if you insist to get a softer cheer pack for your products from china, here are some measure we can try.
Make it thinner
A thinner package will be surely softer than the thick one. Usually, the thickness for aluminum foil pouch is 120-150microns, we can reduce the thickness to 80-100 microns, that may meet your expect. Just reach us for further support if you need assistance.
Laminate by extrusion coating
The foil laminate produced in our factory is achieved by dry laminate and solvent-free lamination, which finalize the foil more rigid than extrusion coating. We can turn to extrusion coating for your order if the order quantity reaches 2 tons, otherwise the cost will not be effective.
Ok, that’s the general situations for cheer packs produced in china, and if you need other assitance, do not hestitate to reach us at office@valuepackaging.cn